Enrol your child/children seamlessly online. Review the age guide, document requirements below, and begin your application now. If you have any questions or concerns, our school registrars are here to assist you.
Enrol NowSchool FeesThe application fee of AED 500 is:
Refundable if the school does not offer the student a place
Non-refundable if the school offers the student a place but the student chooses not to take it
Not deductible from the total tuition fees to be paid if the student is offered and accepts the place
For families coming from overseas, Dubai residency visas, Emirates ID’s are not required at the time of application but must be submitted to SBS once available. If these are in process, please provide a copy of the relevant application form in the meantime.
For children coming from overseas and other Emirates, a transfer certificate provided for the student is required at the time of joining SBS, but not at the time of application. Contact the registrar if you have any queries.
Every student is required by UAE Ministry of Education Law to produce a transfer certificate from their last school. This is strictly enforced and failure to produce a properly completed certificate, or a legally binding undertaking to produce all the necessary documentation, will result in your child’s place being withdrawn.
Please discuss your child’s transfer certificate requirements with the Registrar as your country of origin and last school is taken into consideration.
The Certificate must be on official school letterhead and must contain the following information:
Children coming from countries other than EU and GCC countries should have the original Transfer Certificate (TC) attested by:
SBS is a community committed to Inclusion, where personalised learning puts the child at the heart of the curriculum. We follow the well-being model to ensure that each child is supported emotionally and socially as well as academically. For further information please see our Inclusion Policy.
KHDA guide for parents to better understand their legal rights and responsibilities.
At Safa British School, our assessments take into consideration the whole child. We observe communication skills, social development, behaviour, attitude, manners, and physical development – both large and small motor control and academic levels. We are also interested in specific talents in any field – musical, sporting or artistic, as well as academic.
Whenever possible we aim to interview every child and their parents prior to entry and each child must take an age related placement test to ensure that they are ready for the high quality education on offer at Safa British School.
FS 1 – Year 1
YEARS 2 – 6
Assessments involve basic mathematics, reading and writing, depending on the child’s age we will ask him/her to sit a computerised assessment. Any documents such as previous reports, awards, or other indications of a special interest or talent will be welcomed by the assessor to assist in forming a more complete picture of your child.
Students are baselined at admissions prior to entry into the school and will sit a computerized assessment. We take our time to allow us to get to know your child and assessments will normally take 90 minutes. All assessments are conducted either individually or in the form of a small group to ensure that it is a relaxed, stress-free experience.
Parents will also be invited to speak to the Inclusion and Pastoral Heads to paint a full picture of the child’s needs if required.
Child’s Age (as of Aug 31)
13 Year Curriculum (Safa British School)
12 Year Curriculum
3 Years
Pre KG
4 Years
5 Years
Year 1
KG 2
6 Years
Year 2
Grade 1
7 Years
Year 3
Grade 2
8 Years
Year 4
Grade 3
9 Years
Year 5
Grade 4
10 Years
Year 6
Grade 5
11 Years
Year 7
Grade 6
12 Years
Year 8
Grade 7
13 Years
Year 9
Grade 8
14 Years
Year 10
Grade 9
15 Years
Year 11
Grade 10
16 Years
Year 12
Grade 11
17 Years
Year 13
Grade 12
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