At a glance

All-through British Curriculum School

Safa British School celebrates 20 years in Education in 2025. The commitment to unlocking the potential of every child throughout the years has kept Safa British School true to its core values. Safa British School aims to provide an education of the highest quality for every child. The school is committed to maximizing the earning potential of every child and through a range of creative, imaginative and challenging learning experiences, children develop lifelong learning skills. We instill in all children, a sense of responsibility and an understanding of the need for tolerance, empathy, courtesy and consideration to others.

1,600 Students

51:49 Male to Female Ratio

83 nationalities

A truly multinational school

12:1 student teacher ratio

24 students per class

20 Years

In Education


Staff Members


Specialist Teachers

Student Demographics


Teacher Demographics

Australian/Canadian/South African
AU/NZ 5%

Key Teacher Facts

Safa Diversity

Awards & Recognition

Parents' Voice

2024 Term 1 Parent Survey
My child is happy at school 99%
My child is safe at school 98%
Staff at SBS are approachable & helpful 96%
Communication channels are clear 88%
My child's happiness & wellbeing is important at SBS 99%
Theme days & whole school events enrich my child's time at school 99%

Parent Highlights

Parent Feedback: 2024 End of Term 1

You Said, We Did

Parent Feedback: 2024 End of Term 1

"I sometimes miss things due to different channels of communication."

We now use ISAMs as our official whole school communication. This includes newsletters, calendar dates and letters from school. It is important to note there is no notification option on ISAMS.

"I have heard great reviews on the parent workshops. I can not attend them in the mornings."

Please check ISAMS. When possible parent workshops are run in the morning and afternoon.

"My child tells me the water in the pool can be cold."

Our swimming pool is temperature controlled dependant on the time of year. It is monitored and checked each morning. On average it is 30-32 degrees.

"We love to see our children's curriculum explained during the workshops. Could we also have some parenting workshops?"

In Term 2 we will be introducing some workshops on parenting and relationships.

"Could the school organise some sessions for parents to meet new parents outside of their child's class/year group."

We have introduced 'Mingle Monday'. This is held the first Monday of each month. It is an opportunity to mingle with other parents from our community.

"Have suggestion boxes in communal areas so the children can contribute to ideas and initiatives."

We have suggestion boxes throughout the school to ensure our students have opportunities to voice their opinions. Student Leadership check these boxes on a regular basis.

"Could the children have wellbeing groups for break times?"

Our wellbeing leaders are visible in the playground as they wear blue high vis jackets. 'Feeling blue I can help you' .

"Increased changing facilities"

During our half term break we have had changing rooms built.