Identification of more able students ensures provision of level appropriate work to stretch and challenge.
We recognise when students are not performing to their full potential and providing strategies and booster groups to ensure they are well equipped to succeed.
Quick and effective assessment procedures aim to identify Special Educational Needs (SEN) early on. Carefully considered Individualised Educational Plans are then tailored to target personalised goals.
Reading rockets supports learners with specific difficulties in reading, writing and spelling. Students are taught well informed strategies by our experienced intervention teacher. Children grow in confidence as they are empowered with the tools to be successful readers and writers.
A range of evidence based interventions are delivered via group and one-one sessions. Programmes such as: Beat Dyslexia, SNIP, Picture This! Spelling and Toe-by-toe support our learners at a pace that is rights for them. LINK support extends into the classroom with personalised resources and differentiated tasks. It is key that each of our learners feel successful in all environments.
Physical development is well supported within the Twist and Shake room. Here students strengthen fine and gross motor skills through a range of interventions, activities and ECAs.
Alert. Organised. Calm
We know that student physical development is key to ensuring holistic success. Our tailor made sensory and morning exercise clubs ensure children start the day off right. Alerting, organising and calming exercises are utilised to help students to be relaxed and focused. Fine motor skills are honed during our targeted ECA programs in which creative tasks improve dexterity and handwriting. Our partnered Kids First OT therapist also utilises this space to deliver personalised sessions.
Dyscalculia and specific Maths difficulties are well supported by our Magic Maths intervention and in class support. Ms. Sinead Davin provides learners with individualised support. Opportunities to practice the four operations via concrete and real world activities embed mathematical understanding.
Dyscalculia Toolkit
Targeted group and one-to-one interventions are tailored to meet student needs. The Dyscalculia Toolkit is utilised to equip learners with alternate calculation strategies and key skills. Children are taught foundation skills via interactive activities with concrete materials. We ensure our students have the tools to apply calculation strategies within Maths lessons and beyond.
LINK support starts in the Early Years within our Building Blocks provision. This is a space for our Foundation Stage learners to access additional support and booster classes. Support is offered to students by the team when they need it most.
SEB Development
In the Early Years we prioritise Social, emotional and behavioural (SEB) development as we believe this enables children to be ready to learn. SEB skills are targeted during small group and oneone interventions. Complex needs are catered for within individualised therapy. Many of our EY students with SEND follow personalised skills acquisition and behaviour plans delivered by trained practitioners in collaboration with a BCBA and the LINK team.
LINK Room is a multifaceted space where students practice a range of skills. More able, Gifted and talented (MAGT) students are challenged with enquiry based activities on ASDAN & High Flyers Programmes. Listening pods are home to the listening program, where students start their day with specialised music intervention.
Listening Programmes
The Listening Programme is music listening therapy which stimulates the brain to aid a range of needs. Relaxation, energising, focus and speech are targeted by carefully selected classical music. Our MAGT students are challenged within High Flyers student directed learning opportunities within English, Maths, Science and Specialist areas within the interactive Learning Lab and wider school.
Our Performance and Enhancement department identifies students who require opportunities to extend their learning and academic potential.
Stretching and challenging all learners means creating lessons where challenge is at the forefront of teaching and learning. This takes learners out of their comfort zone, encouraging them to develop their thinking, reasoning and problem – solving skills.
Stretch and challenges lessons are delivered by our Inclusion Teachers, Mrs Allen and Mrs Elder. Students are provided with opportunities to extend their learning in core subject areas, Maths, English and Science through direct teacher led sessions and available drop – in sessions every morning.
English Language Learners (ELL) are well supported at the Communication Station. In addition, students with speech delays access effective language programmes, delivered by specialist LINK teacher Mrs. May Bassiouny.
Intervention Programme
Language skills are fostered via interventions and a personalised in class approach. Individualised objectives are taught within the Communication Station. In turn, the LINK team collaborates with class teachers to ensure tasks are well pitched and effectively differentiated. Our partnered Kids First speech therapist utilises the Communication Station to deliver personalised sessions.
Positive Self Concepts
The Reflection Section provides a nurturing space in which students with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties are supported. Mrs Zainab Sidat fosters the development of positive self concepts through a caring, considerate approach.
Self Regulation
Holistic development at SBS starts with healthy self-esteem and well-balanced emotions. Self regulation strategies are taught within the Zones of Regulation intervention. Here children learn how to recognise their feelings and choose effective strategies to regulate them. Social and emotional skills are fostered within our Socially Speaking programme. External psychologists and counselors utilize this space for one-one therapy.
LINK support starts in Arabic Language within our Ahlan Arabee provision. Mrs Amina Elsawaf helps our Arabic learners who are finding the Arabic curriculum challenging to access additional support and booster classes.
Reading & Writing
Ahlan Arabee enables students bridge gaps and support Dyslexic pupils to comprehend the language more effectively. Strategies are informed by research into reading and writing progression and specific learning needs. A bespoke intervention curriculum has been developed to support and underline the Arabic via: small group sessions, one-to-one tuition and in-class additional support. Our Arabic interventions ensure that the development of spoken and written Arabic is priortised across all levels.
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