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Megan Thomson

Megan Thomson

Megan Thomson
I have recently moved to Dubai to join Safa British School as Exam Officer. I am excited to take on this new challenge and I look forward to working with our staff and pupils to ensure a smooth and successful exam season.

About Me

I have enjoyed volunteering my time to various charities over the last 12 years. I have been fortunate enough to meet people from all different walks of life and travel to new places across Europe and Africa. In 2017 and 2018 I travelled to Lourdes, France and spent time supporting disabled and disadvantaged children. In 2019 I also travelled to Finland to complete a 3 day Arctic Trek, where we covered 70km by foot in temperatures as low as –35 to raise funds for charity.

My Experience

I worked for a small charity based in Glasgow as a youth worker for 10 years. Our programmes mainly focused on easing the transition from primary to secondary school, but also included sessions on wellbeing, community engagement and tackling sectarianism. I was responsible for coordinating a group of young adult volunteers who supported this work, as well as delivering their training based on youth work and child protection.

I also studied floristry at college in Glasgow, Scotland – where I am originally from. This course allowed me to learn and develop new skills in both the business and creative aspects of floristry.