Heather Lowe

Heather Lowe

Heather Lowe
I always think of my fondest memories within teaching being ‘student filled’ during the process of rehearsals for examination preparation or school productions.

About Me

I graduated in 2010 with a degree in Drama where I was fortunate enough to spend one day a week on a placement within a secondary school during my final year. This provided me with a love of working with young people and within the school environment, so I went on to complete my PGCE in Performing Arts the following year.

I am currently living within the UAE with my husband, also a teacher and two young sons who keep me very busy! We thoroughly enjoy life here in the UAE and all it has to offer our family. Outside of the classroom, I do like to keep involved in acting activities where possible and have been fortunate enough to continue this within the UAE alongside keeping healthy, fit and active.

My Experience

After starting my first teaching job as a NQT in Bolton (UK) I stayed there for many years leading the subject of Drama until eventually having the opportunity to lead as Head of Creative Arts in 2018. I was also able to spend time in role as a professional mentor helping to support and guide trainee teachers within the school to pursue their teaching careers working with the local authority and universities. In 2019, I decided to pursue my dream of working internationally and moved to the UAE taking on Head of Department within a school in Abu Dhabi. I am really looking forward to a new challenge and to grow further here at Safa British School.