Student Leadership

Leadership is the art of creating positive change by motivating and influencing others towards a common goal. Opportunities to lead will allow students to develop interpersonal skills, communicate effectively which in turn will promote strong relationships within community members.

“People who lead - whether or not they have a title - strive to make things better for those around them”

Mark Sanborn

Student leadership has been placed at the center of everything we do at Safa.  Our students are supported by all staff to ensure they are able to flourish to their full potential. Our leadership programme does this by ensuring the following:

  • Students have a voice and are listened to through our Student Council
  • Allowing students to support each other 
  • Proactively seeks to support academic and co-curricular excellence
  • Develops self-esteem, confidence and self-awareness
  • Builds lifelong leadership skills
  • Prepares our students for real life

The purpose of the School Council is to create a positive school atmosphere and promote the general interest and welfare of students as well as to promote and influence the quality of student life at Safa British School. 

Primary Student Leadership body:

  • House Captains
  • Deputy House Captains
  • Student Council
  • Sports Leaders
  • Art Leaders 
  • Wellbeing Champions
  • Music Leaders
  • Digital Leaders
  • Heritage Leaders
  • Animal Keepers

Secondary Student Council body:

  • President
  • Prefects
  • House Captains
  • Peer Mentors

Mentoring is the influence, guidance, or direction given by a mentor. In a school setting, we will always encourage students to support their peers in their personal or academic development. Being a mentor serves as a way to give back and is an important development and learning experience. Teaching others is the best way to learn yourself. In the same way, mentors become more competent as leaders and communicators as they guide and help rising talent.

What our student leaders love about Safa?

Safa British School Student Leadership 2022

"Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generated by vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose."

Myles Munroe
Deya Hristova
Deya Hristova
Year 9 Prefect
Abdelrahman Abdelrahman
A. Abdelrahman
Year 8 Prefect
Hamdaan Dhedi
Hamdaan Dhedhi
Year 7 Prefect
Kaedan Webling
Kaedan Webling
Year 7 Deputy Prefect
Adam Hussein
Year 7 Prefect​
Taleen Abdelrahman
Taleen Abdelrahman
Year 7 Deputy Prefect​
Maria Hachem
Maria Hachem
Wellbeing Ambasador
Massa Alkhashashneh
Green House Capatain
Christopher Danial
Blue House Captain
Ali Abuanzeh
Ali Abuanzeh
Red House Captain
Ubayd Sidat
Ubayd Sidat
Yellow House Captain
Calista Gondard