Safa British School transport is provided by School Transport Services (STS), established in 2008. STS is a well renowned and leading transport provider in the region, and currently provides school transport to over 60k students daily, from more than 50 schools throughout the UAE.
All STS buses are equipped with safety features such as:
All buses have a Child Check Button located at the rear of the bus. This is used to confirm that no student has been left behind on the bus.
All buses are installed with internal and external video surveillance systems to monitor employee and student behaviour. CCTV provides visibility of all students and allows to report or investigate incidents immediately.
The STS App provides parents with the ability to monitor their child’s bus location. The App is an easy-to-use platform that allows parents to log on and view real time information.
STS has introduced a new route management software that will improve student bus routes through optimisation, with the focus to reduce journey times.
STS fleet is fitted with Global Positioning Systems for real time monitoring of the bus movement. This advanced level of vehicle tracking ensures the safety of all students on board and assists the team in developing and optimising routes and journey times.
The installation of passive motion sensors provides further levels of assurance by alerting the driver if any student is still on board the bus.
All students are issued with RFID cards that are used to track when they get on and off the bus. The data collected feeds directly back to STS Operations Control Centre (OCC) which tracks student log reports.
All buses have an Alert Button installed on the dashboard in case of an emergency. The alert button sends an immediate alert to STS 24-hour OCC, with the bus and driver details.
The live camera captures driving habits to identify behaviour such as eye blink rate, mobile phone use and oral intake.
All school buses will undergo pre-trip and post-trip sanitisation and vehicle inspection.
Make sure you register your journey.
Prior to boarding
Student social distancing is to be maintained when waiting for the school bus at designated boarding points.
On Board
Sit in your allocated seat. Physical distancing must be adhered to during the bus journey.
Getting off the bus
Social distancing is to be observed when getting off the bus.
Face masks are mandatory for students aged 6 and above.
Always buckle up and stay seated.
Sanitise your hands before boarding or if you prefer, wear disposable gloves.
Non-invasive temperature checks will be carried out prior to boarding.
Year Group
Arrival Time
Afternoon Departure Time
Foundation Stage
Year 1-6
Year 7-11
Year Group
Arrival Time
Afternoon Departure Time
All Year Groups
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