Tara Allen

Tara Allen


This is now my second year in Dubai! I moved from Surrey, in the UK, last Summer.

About Me

I am married and have two daughters. I enjoy exploring and trying new things.

I spend most weekends taking in the sights and gaining new experiences.

I am a bit of a book worm and love to read. It is important to stay active. As a family, we swim and walk as much as we can.

My Experience

I have been in Primary Education for 17 years. My roles have varied from Early Years practitioner, Teacher, SENCo, Deputy Head Teacher and Acting Head Teacher.

This is my fourth school setting and my first international school experience.

Last year SBS welcomed a new provision – ‘Performance and Enhancement’ lessons. These sessions provide students with the chance to extend their learning beyond the classroom, within a challenging environment. Students are given the opportunity to expand their critical thinking and develop their reasoning and problem solving skills, across all core subject areas. It is incredibly rewarding to watch the students overcome their individual barriers to learning, pushing themselves towards the outer edge of what is possible for them to achieve. I am excited to continue my role as a Performance and Enhancement teacher here at SBS!