As a result of the recent verification visit, Safa British School has been awarded gold level of the National SMSC Quality Mark, and this has been confirmed by the Quality Assurance Panel.
SMSC Report, October 2022
Recognising Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development
SMSC is essential to the academic progress of pupils. It doesn’t happen in isolation – it saturates through the school and is linked to everything the school does, its ethos and attitude. It needs to be supported and articulated by school leaders and governors, and should be visible in all day-to-day decisions and relationships.
All areas of the curriculum contribute to SMSC development. Some of this will occur as a result of informal, opportunistic or accidental occurrences, but it cannot be left to chance – it needs to be the foundation of well-planned learning, supported by the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of staff, enabling children and the adults who work with them, to flourish.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural provision has the potential to raise aspirations. It can also develop empathy, deepen spirituality, connect young people with their communities and develop their core values. It creates opportunities for pupils to learn and practise human virtues and values such as compassion, hope, faith and forgiveness.
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